General Questions About MS Procurement Search
Yes. To enter a combinational search, enter any date, description and select from the drop down all the desired information. Click on the “Search” button located at the bottom of the screen to display the results.
To clear any field(s), click on the button called “Clear Selection” to refresh the search fields to remove all entries.
No. There is no log-in required to access the Procurement RFx and Contract search page.
Select the drop down button in the “Product Category” field to select the desired category. Select the “Search” button located on the bottom of the screen to display the results.
Select from the “Dept/Agency” drop down the desired agency and then select the “Search” button located at the bottom of the screen to display the results.
Questions About Contract Search
No. There is no log in required to access the Procurement Opportunity search page.
Select the “Search Contract” button to search for Contract procurement. This will display all the listed contracts.
Click on the “Advance Search Option” of the Contract and click in the field “Contract From date” and a calendar will display for a date to be selected. Also click in the field for the “Contract End date” and a calendar will also display to enter a date. The dates can also be entered manually, if preferred.
Click on field where there’s a drop down, “Contract Type”, and one can select an EPLC (Express Products List) type contract or SWCT (Statewide contract). After selecting the drop down option, click on the “Search” button located at the bottom of the screen.
On the field called “Contract #”, enter the number of the contract and select the “Search” button located at the bottom of the screen to display the contract. (e.g. 9999-99-C-SWCT-99999). If one does not know the entire number, enter as many characters to bring up a list of the contracts related to the number.
On the field called “Category Search”, a drop down is available for search. Select the drop down and click the “Search” button located at the bottom of the screen.
Yes. A field called “Vendor #” is available. Enter the vendor number and select the “Search” button located at the bottom of the screen.
Yes. On the field called “Vendor name”, enter the name and select the “Search” button located at the bottom of the screen.
On the “Product Category” field there’s a drop down available with a list of all the loaded categories. Select the desired product category, and click on the “Search” button located at the bottom of the screen.
Yes. On the field called, “Product Category Description”, enter a short description and click on the “Search” button located at the bottom of the screen.
Yes. Enter the number of the material on the “Material #“ field and click on the “Search” button located at the bottom of the screen.
Yes. On the field called, “Item Description”, enter a short description of the item and click on the “Search” button located at the bottom of the screen.
Yes. To enter a combinational search, enter any date, description and select from the drop down all the desired information. Click on the “Search” button located at the bottom of the screen to display the results.
To clear any field(s), click on the button called “Clear Selection” to refresh the search fields to remove all entries.
To view the details of the contract, click on the actual contract number and a new screen will display showing more details of the contract.
No. Details of the contract can only be viewed individually.
Yes. To sort the dates of the contracts in ascending or descending order, click on the date column (From date or End date) and the application will sort the dates in order or reverse order.
To email the buyer about the contract, there’s a “View Contact” link located to the right of the contract screen. Click on this link and a contact screen will open with an email link. Click on the email link to send an email to the contact person.
Under the description column of the Contract, if an attachment is available for view, click on the link labeled, Attachment, to open. Also within the details of the Contract, a header called “Contract Notes and Attachments” is available for viewing attachment(s) of the contract.
Yes. Select the Contract number from the search result and the following screen called Contract Details will display. At the top there will be a Print icon located to the right. Click on the print icon, and a document will display that can be printed or even saved.
The “View Details” link provides any notes for the supplier to view.
Yes. The Procurement Contract and Opportunity search can be accessed from a smartphone or tablet.
Questions About (RFx) Procurement Opportunities Search
No. Log-in is not required to access the Procurement RFx and Contract search page.
Click on the “Search RFx” button to search for RFx procurement. This will display all Open, Awarded and Closed RFx’s.
Click on the Advance Search option of the RFx and select the date type (Advertised Date, Submission Date or RFx Opening date). Check the date to be searched and click the “From” and “To” date for the calendar to display. Select the date from the calendar icon, or if preferred, enter the date manually; once entered, select the “Search” button.
Click the drop down button located on the “Status” field and select the desired status. Once selected, click on the “Search” button located below the screen to display the results.
Select the drop down button in the “Product Category” field to select the desired category. Select the “Search” button located on the bottom of the screen to display the results.
Yes. One can enter multiple combinations to search for the desired RFx. To refresh the screen, select the “Clear Selection” button to start another combinational search, if preferred.
In the “Product Category Description” field, enter a general free text description of the RFx product category and then select the “Search” button located at the bottom of the screen.
Select from the “Dept/Agency” drop down the desired agency and then select the “Search” button located at the bottom of the screen to display the results.
In the “RFx Type” field, select the drop down of the desired RFx and select the “Search” button located at the bottom of the screen.
YES. Enter the RFx number in the “RFx #” field and select the “Search” button located at the bottom of the screen.
Yes. Enter multiple combinations to search for the desired RFx. To refresh the screen, select the “Clear Selection” button to start another search, if preferred.
Yes. Select the RFx number from the search result and another screen will display. At the top there will be a Print icon located at the top right. Click on the “Print” icon, and a document will display that can be printed or saved.
Yes. Select any of the date columns (Advertised date, Submission date or RFx Opening date) of the resulted RFx List and the system will sort in ascending and descending order.
Under the Description column of the RFx, if an attachment is available for view, click on the link labeled, Attachment, to open. Also within the details of the RFx, a header called “Bid Attachments” is available for viewing attachments of the RFx.
Yes. The Procurement Contract and Opportunity search can be accessed from a smartphone or tablet.
Once the desired RFx is found, to the right of the screen there is a link to “View Contact”. Click on the link and a “Contact Details” box will display. Click on the Email link of the contact person and the system will open up an email screen to be sent to the contact person.