No. 4243
Last updated: 02/12/2024 15:48:16
No. 4243 - Word Format (10/11/2022)
No. 4243 - Adobe Format (10/11/2022)
No. 4243 - Attachment A Word Format (10/11/2022)
No. 4243 - Attachment A Adobe Format (10/11/2022)
No. 4243 - Exhibit D 2020 (10/11/2022)
No. 4243 - Exhibit D Original (10/11/2022)
No. 4243 - Exhibit D Original (10/11/2022)
No. 4243 - Exhibit E Security Controls (10/11/2022)
No. 4243 - Exhibit F Notification of Breach (10/11/2022)
No. 4243 - Exhibit G (10/11/2022)
No. 4243 - Vendor Conference Attendees (10/28/2022)
No. 4243 - Vendor Conference Presentation (10/28/2022)
No. 4243 - Delay Memo (11/18/2022)
No. 4243 - Vendor Questions and Answers (04/18/2023)
No. 4243 - Revised Cost Information Submission Form (04/18/2023)
No. 4243 - Exhibit D_2021 (04/18/2023)
No. 4243 - Exhibit H - MonthlyStatusReport (04/18/2023)
No. 4243 - Exhibit I - MMDDYY_ProjectName_Office_Project_CharterLite (04/18/2023)
No. 4243 - Exhibit J - YYYMMDD_ProjectName_Office_Project_Charter (04/18/2023)
No. 4243 - Revised Exhibit B - Liquidated Damages and Perf Stds (04/18/2023)
No. 4243 - Revised May 8, 2023 Exhibit B - LDs and Performance Standard (05/08/2023)
No. 4243 - RFP Amendment (05/08/2023)
No. 4243 - Register of Proposals (06/05/2023)
No. 4243 - RFP Notice of Award (02/12/2024)