If you have questions about purchasing a license call 1-800-5GO-HUNT.
The new, user-friendly platform will provide an easier and more convenient way to access essential MDWFP services.
Customers will be able to purchase hunting and fishing licenses, renew boat registrations, apply for draw hunts, check in at Wildlife Management Areas, and report your harvest through Game Check with the new all-in-one-platform.
Get Ready!
With the launch of the new license system, you will be able to access the new license platform and:
• Create or Link your profile online
• Download the new mobile application (Mississippi HuntFish)
• Find Yourself Outdoors!
View prices for hunting and fishing licenses before making your purchase.
Access to unique outdoor experiences with our range of permits and licenses.
View essential information for residents and non-residents.
View essential information for residents and non-residents.