
If you have received a jury summons from the Circuit Clerk’s office, your name has been randomly selected from the county’s voter roll. A summons to serve on jury duty is an official court summons. If you fail to respond, you could be held in contempt of court.

If you have received a jury summons and you have not been excused from serving, please contact the telephone number listed on your summons letter for recorded instructions regarding your jury service. These instructions will be made available at 5 p.m. on the evening prior to your date of summons. If your date of summons falls on a Monday, these instructions will be made available at 5 p.m. on the Friday before your date of summons.

If you feel that you cannot perform your jury service at this time, you may request to be excused from serving. If you wish to be excused, please complete the online excuse form below. Either the Circuit Judge or the Circuit Clerk will review your request and determine whether you will be excused.

You will not be excused simply because jury service would interfere with your regular activities or work schedule. However, you may be excused in cases of genuine hardship or need. For instance, you may request to be excused because of illness to yourself or illness to another who would require your assistance. You may request to be excused if jury service would inflict serious financial loss to yourself or your business. You may also request to be excused for any other legitimate emergency or hardship.

If you are over the age of sixty-five (65) or if you have completed jury service in an actual trial for this Court within the past two (2) years, you will be excused if you do not wish to serve. Please complete the form below so that you may be excused from service on your current jury summons.

If you no longer reside in the county from which you received a jury summons, you will need to contact the Circuit Clerk’s office to have your name removed from the voter roll. You will need to complete the following form in order to be excused from service on your current jury summons.

If you wish to be excused from jury service at this time, please complete the following form. Once a decision is made concerning your request, you will be contacted via telephone or email. If you are not notified that you have been excused, then you are expected to appear at the time indicated on your summons unless the Circuit Clerk’s recorded instructions indicate differently. You may listen to the Circuit Clerk's recorded juror instructions by calling the telephone number listed on your summons letter.

If you have any other questions or concerns regarding jury service, please contact the Circuit Clerk’s office.

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